I. II.
our ghosts were in this week to watch
the house while we were gone / they le
ft things much the same / the refriger
ator is full so they must have feasted
the beds upstairs a re just how we left
them so they must have slept in them
and the tomato pla nts are wilting so t
hey must have wat ered daily / isn't
it bizarre to step of f the jet plane and
hit 'play' with your bootheel / to feel y
our life bisected by a presence you ca
n't quite call your o wn / isn't it strange
I say to no one in p articular and (bran
ded by the equals s ign of dim gold co
ming in through th e shutters) I wonde
r why some weeks are worth a year t
o us / why we are f lung through the p
rism bearing mem ories manufractur
ed into photograph s before our eyes
and yet still dare to say to one another
"yes I remember" a nd really believe it