Sewert's Epiphany
Gasping, stumbling, groping and fumbling,
the gloom belches, and Sewert reaches the
present once again. Dim-eyed, dazzled, he
combs around. Same old drip. Same musk.
Same third- person perspective and ambient
shame. Same barcode of light passing in
through the grate. Yes indeed, you are home.
He mulls it over, totters on the verge of
extinction. The air here has hair, and there
are lice squirming through it. Thus, he speaks
pithy maxims softly to himself. Quotes
from old novels. The good kind of poetry. Till
he hears a soft breathing at the sewer grate,
and stops short - "Who's there?!" A cackling
replies: "Bury the pageantry, sewer rat!
God bought your soul at the self-checkout,
and there's a strict no-refunds policy.
He's stuck with you. Have you read The
Odicy? You're its hero, my boy. Might as
well belt. Caterwaul. Scream. Honesty's
the only thing we rodents have rights to!"
The prophet's words verminate and gloom.
Soon Sewert swallows. And before he knows,
a thorny flower sprouts from his uvula.
It's rather ugly, but it is his after all. And it
grows in the dark and casts shadows made
of sunlight over Sewert's darkened visage.